The Second Meeting at the Pond 6.2


Brothers and SiSTARS, today’s meeting was so lovely!! When I arrived, many of us hugged, received clearings, then sat and waited for the show to BEgin. Butterflies seemed to swarm our area, landing to give us codes and appreciation, then taking off again.

Suddenly I saw a periscope come out of the Pond toward me, and when it was super close I realized it was a huge blue glowing straw. I was directed to drink from the Pond, and when I did I felt a fullness of Light I can barely describe. I felt this Source glowing blue liquid sloshing inside of my BEing, baptizing and clearing out everything remaining, and bathing it in Light.

Then, out of nowhere, a mini shower spigot popped up behind me, and started showering me in the Pond’s water. I could just feel the energy of this liquid running down my body and soaking my hair, making me feel just so CLEAN!

I was then instructed to remove my clothes and dive into the Pond. I did so, and looking around, could see many others finishing a Source shower and detox smoothie (lol) and stripping to jump into the Pond. There was no awkwardness at all, only Joy, and Freedom. The clean feeling of the Source water was so envigorating, I found myself giddy. And then, more butterflies! So many butterflies of so many shapes, colors and sizes!

I don’t remember leaving, I just was suddenly back in my room and had the most wonderful feeling left from the Pond. Thank you Pond, and Ponderers. I love you all, and hope this record serves to hold Light for our memories. ❤ ❤ ❤

Love and Light in the Highest, Always in ALL Ways, Kelly

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