The First Meeting at the Pond 5.5


Happy Christ Consciousness Day!

Today/Tonight was the first meeting at the Great Pond, 9pm Oslo time, 12pm for me here in San Diego. Aisha North was directed by the CC’s and her HS to gather those who have been collected at her site, and to have everyone meet in 5D around the Pond in which we collectively draw and deposit our creative energies. I took a cleansing bath last night, went to bed early, woke and ate a salad I grew organically from seed, and settled in to feel the energies and meet with my Galactic brothers and siSTARS.

When I arrived at the pond, although my physical meat body was sitting out back in the clouded daylight listening to the wind howl and the wind chimes play, I found it was nighttime. The Pond glowed iridescent blue, shimmering with a Light that is too profound for words. Before I could could take my place at the Pond, I saw our Star Family, shimmering in Light, also arriving, and greeting each other telepathically and hugging excitedly. Some BEings were already quietly meditating around the Pond, some were coming and going on their own schedule. We who were giddily meeting each other in Spirit for the first time finally settled and sat around the Pond, and it began to glow brighter. I realized at this point my meat body was crying at the sight of so many of us together, feeling uplifted and not alone in this duty of bringing the Light, and I was so happy.

After we opened ourselves to the energies each of us was holding, we raised and magnified this energy 10 fold. Then we took hands, and a blue glowing sphere raised out of the Pond and hovered a few feet over the living water. It too was glowing and iridescent, looking like it was made out of the same energy of the Pond. I said, “Is this New Earth?” and the answer received was, “Of course, Dear Child.” We were then suddenly zoomed into New Earth so that we could see that which we are creating. I saw that my creations are primarily Plants and Animals at the moment, because those are the beings closest to my heart right now. I saw the creations of some of my brothers and SiSTARs, bright powerful technologies reserved for the purest of intents, some used for travel, others for healing with sound, light, color, and more. I saw how we are growing our gardens, creating art and music, and a beautiful culture where we all bring what is valued and receive love and value in return. It truly is a beautiful Terra Nova.

Then we were brought back out into the Pond circle, where we could see Gaia in her beautiful REstored glory, and then the last thing I expected happened – She burst like a bubble into a trillion spheres of light/water/iridescence and everyone laughed at the sight! It was like bursting open Champagne.

When I returned to my meat body I just knew I had to share this beautiful experience with anyone ready to hear it. I love you all. ❤

In Love and Light,


2 thoughts on “The First Meeting at the Pond 5.5

  1. ciao, carissima raggio di luce meravigliosa e splendida creatura del creato, io mi chiamo ivan e risiedo in italia , vicino milano , ho proprio ora ( un po in ritardo letto il tuo messaggio di luce e devo dire con molta gioia e intusiasmo, che e tutto vero , anche io come tante persone sono stato chiamato alla luce divina , gia da parecchi anni ormai, piu esattamente 4 anni…..ho cominciato che ogni mattina mi alzavo con un unico pensiero assillante ….( il creato , tante domande mi venivano in testa , sempre sul creato, e davvero da all ora ho cominciato a prendermi internet efarmi un sacco di ricerche tutte spirituali , e sono venuto a conoscenza di tantissime cose che la gente comune non sa neppure che esistano tali mondi o tali persone fatte di completa luce, ……insomma sono anche venuto ha sapere chi sono, e ho paura nel dirtelo perche penso che tu non mi creda , sai quell anima che fu crocifissa 2000 anni fa ecco mi e stato detto e fatto vedere chi sono e sono anche altre persone esempio astar seran, arcangelo gabriele, michele e raffaele, sono 3 ma di un unica anima o essenza, non so bene il perche io ti dica queste cose , forse perche ho scelto te mi dai un senso di pace e bene fraterno che posso dirtelo, poco importa chi io sia quello che importa e che la gente deve sapere la verita quella verita tenuta volontariamente nascosta dalla nostra contro parte ( il male )AISHA NORTH-VORREI SVELARTI UNA MIA ESPERIENZA STRAORDINARIA , CHE TANTE PERSONE COME NOI DEVOTE ALLA LUCE CRISTICA alla luce universale e immewnsa come l AMORE PER OGNI CREATURA VIVENTE E NON VIVENTE ….IN BREVE AD OTTOBRE RICEVETTI UN MESSAGGIO DAI NOSTRI FRATELLI COSMICI DELLE PLEADI E SIRIO ED ARTURIANI ECC ECC. e cara sorella sai mi hanno fatto vedere la nuova terra che ad all ora era ancora in fase di completamento ( era completa ma mancava ancora un qualcosina )era splendida ha un colore azzurrino ed e avvolta da una nebbiolina celeste fine ed molto densa i colori della natura sono vivaci e bellissimi , l acqua e fluorescente il mare anche gli animali parlano con noi con la mente cioe ci capiamo tutti, anche i vegetali , pero loro percepiscono il nostro intento, ed e vicino a sirio a, quella stella piu grande , sai non saremo in tantissimi a popolarla , ed il viaggio per raggiungere questa nuova terra avverra in questo mese il giorno preciso non mi e stato detto ma e questo mese se tutto va bene si perche il male ha fatto tanto in questi millenni e servito un lavoro di cooperazione intergalattica per fare tutto e da diverse dimensioni…….insomma aisha north ci siamo ormai tutto e pronto e ti auguro buon viaggio e ci vedremo di la nella nuova terra che e bellissima vedrai che bella , non ci sara la dualita come di qui ce ma e molto leggera non e come questa e piu controllabile….aisha ti amooooooo ciaooooo A.G……GESU

    • Thank you for sharing your experience, Gesu! It is beautiful and I can attest that it aligns with my experience. I saw New Earth again 2 days ago while in the astral realm, and her beauty is astounding. I also receive confirmation from the Pleiadian/Sirian Alliance that she is up and running for good. The 5th of May, when we were around the Pond, she received much of the final push she needed. Thank you for sharing your Light, Dear Brother, and I hope to hear from you again! Love and Light from me, Kelly

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